Inadequacy of the Current Telehealth Solutions in the Market

Inadequacy of the Current Telehealth Solutions in the Market

In a previous blog, we establish why we needed Telehealth. We even cited the miraculous real-life story of Dr. FitzGerald((Hevesi,…...

Oh EHR, how can we love thee?

Oh EHR, how can we love thee?

According to the 2018 Black Book survey, “thirty percent of practices with over 11 clinicians expect to replace their current…...

What’s in Store for Practice Fusion Users

What’s in Store for Practice Fusion Users

Allscripts’ acquisition of Practice Fusion in the early part of 2018 for $100 million came as a big disappointment to…...

What is precision medicine? And how can EHR help?

What is precision medicine? And how can EHR help?

“Precision medicine” is an emerging discipline that demands attention. The Food and Drug Administration, National Cancer Institute, and the National…...

What's the SOAPware alternative?

What's the SOAPware alternative?

By now many of you have probably heard - SOAPware EHR exists no longer and current users must find another…...

ACA Executive order's impact on EMR and eHealth technology

ACA Executive order's impact on EMR and eHealth technology

On October 12, 2017, President trump issued an Executive Order that alters some of the provisions of the Patient Protection…...

Artificial Intelligence, EHRs and the future of health technology

Artificial Intelligence, EHRs and the future of health technology

Artificial intelligence has been the stuff of stories for years - it’s a buzzword that has infiltrated conversations about technology…...