Inadequacy of the Current Telehealth Solutions in the Market

Inadequacy of the Current Telehealth Solutions in the Market

In a previous blog, we establish why we needed Telehealth. We even cited the miraculous real-life story of Dr. FitzGerald((Hevesi,…...

Mental Health: The Need For A Routine During COVID-19

Mental Health: The Need For A Routine During COVID-19

Wake up at 8:45 AM, wash your face, fix your hair, put on a presentable top and join a Zoom…...

Mental Health Care In A Pandemic

Mental Health Care In A Pandemic

The last year has been brutal on everyone. We’ve seen millions of people die. We’ve been worried for our own…...

Part II: Is Telemedicine Here to Stay?

Part II: Is Telemedicine Here to Stay?

So, is telemedicine here to stay? Is it viable as a method of treating patients? A psychiatrist can use telemedicine,…...

Part I: Is Telemedicine Here to Stay?

Part I: Is Telemedicine Here to Stay?

COVID-19 has changed everything permanently. In the healthcare industry, it has made us look towards alternative methods of caregiving. Telemedicine…...

Covid-19: Ignorance is Not Bliss

Covid-19: Ignorance is Not Bliss

Covid-19 has changed the world in a way that will be felt for many years to come. While we have…...

Covid-19: Why You Should Be Wearing a Mask

Covid-19: Why You Should Be Wearing a Mask

Masks were supposed to be a way to protect ourselves from Covid-19, while also protecting the people you come in…...