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ZH OpenEMR announces lab interface for OpenEMR

22 April 2014
ZH HealthcareĀ recently announced the certification and availability of Lab Interface services. This capability will be utilized in the ZH OpenEMR solution and is available for the community version of OpenEMR as a monthly subscription. The interoperability provides bi-directional capabilities to integrate lab orders and results directly into patient records.

The interface will save providers time and money by simplifying workflows and reducing the number of unpaid orders. Clinical and operational quality will improve due to the reduction of manual entry errors and timeliness of lab results. The interoperability and integration of structured lab result data will also help providers meet criteria for meaningful use. In addition, patient satisfaction will improve as a result of receiving faster lab results and the ability to access and share results using the ZH Patient Portal.

Shameem C. Hameed, Chairman of ZH Healthcare, states, ā€œZH Healthcare is committed to the ongoing evolution of ZH OpenEMR and interoperability like the Lab Interface is an important piece. We began by bundling lab integration into our hosted ZH OpenEMR package and will now offer this integration as a service for community version OpenEMR practices.ā€ Hameed further explains, ā€œThere is a large population who use the community version of OpenEMR that needed lab integration services. To respond to this need, we now offer the ZH Healthcare Lab Interface Subscription and Lab Interface Go-Live Service.ā€

Practices such as Pulmonary Group of Central Florida have achieved noticeable improvements since their implementation and use of the Lab Interface with Quest Diagnostics. Dr. Jose Diaz reports, “The workflow in the office has greatly improved. I no longer have to try and find the lab results because the labs are automatically uploaded into the patient’s chart.ā€ Dr. Marjery N. LĆ³pez-Acevedo adds, ā€œThe integration of the ZH Healthcare Lab Interface and the labs saves my staff time every day. They no longer have to print, scan and import the results. This saves us both time and money”.

Earlier this year the ZH Healthcareā€™s Lab Interface achieved Production Interface Certification from Quest Diagnostics and is in the process of meeting the requirements for certification in the Quest Diagnostics Health IT Quality Solutionsā„¢ Program. The program certifies services based on Quest Diagnostic standards for lab data quality and streamlined interoperability. The certification is another example of ZH Healthcareā€™s commitment to leadership and quality in the health information technology industry and OpenEMR community. ZH Healthcare plans to expand to additional lab service providers in the future.

The new ZH Healthcare Lab Interface offering is a low cost monthly subscription for practices that are using the community version of OpenEMR. It is complemented with a Setup and Training (Go-Live) service that includes installation, configuration, testing and training of staff to use and administer the ZH Healthcare Lab Interface module.

See Online Press Release