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OSEHRA Summit 2015: Open source health record alliance

11 June 2015

ZH Healthcare chairman, Shameem C Hameed, will be a panelist on the opening day of the 2015 OSEHRA summit.  The list of distinguished speakers throughout the 3 day event to be held at Bethesda, MD., includes Robert A. McDonald, U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

ZH Healthcare is the developer of blueEHR, the customizable Electronic Health Solution used in over 58 countries worldwide, and also is the lead developer of OpenEMR, the most popular ambulatory EHR in the world.

OSEHRA(Open Source Health Record Alliance) was established by Veterans Affairs(VA) in 2011.  it is a non-profit corporation that advances open source electronic health record software and related health information technology to offer the best possible products at the lowest possible costs. Its mission is to “Build and support an open source community of users, developers, service providers, and researchers engaged in advancing electronic health record software and related health information technology.”

OSEHRA facilitates community-based open source software development, market stimulation and education.  It provides a powerful platform and infrastructure repository for software development and distribution. Members of the OSEHRA community openly collaborate on a full range of planning, development, and deployment activities.  In support of the community, OSEHRA offers Open Source Software Quality Certification and testing services to improve the quality and usability of submitted code.